The Crestron IPAC is a 2-Series control processor designed for wall mount installation. 這是一個2-Series Crestron,IPAC控制處理器為墻山的設計安裝。Its front panel controls and LCD display deliver a user-friendly interface for out-of-the-box system setup. 它的前面板控制和液晶顯示器(LCD)提供一個友好的用戶界面,創新系統的安裝。Built-in Ethernet, Cresnet, RS-232, relay, and sensor inputs provide direct connectivity for interfacing with all kinds of devices, controls, and networks. 內置的以太網,Cresnet、RS - 232,繼電器,傳感器提供了直接連接為輸入接口和各種各樣的設備,控制和網絡。The onboard e-Control® Web server allows for complete integration as part of a facility-wide managed control network.宇宙飛船上的e-Control®網站服務器允許成套集成管理的一個組成部分facility-wide控制網絡。
Out-of-the-Box Lighting Control創新照明控制
The GL1 version of IPAC comes preconfigured for use as the central control processor for a Green Light Power Switching system. 這個版本的IPAC GL1來預作為中央控制處理器為一道綠色的光功率開關系統。Right out of the box, the IPAC-GL1 affords easy setup and programming for a complete switching system consisting of:放在首位,IPAC-GL1容易安裝和規劃提供了一個完整的開關構成的系統:
Up to 210 switched loads210交換負載
CNX-B, C2N-DB, and Cameo keypadsCNX-B,C2N-DB,客串鍵盤
41 occupancy sensors and photosensors41感應開關和photosensors
100 time clock events100年代時鐘事件
Keypads with as many as 12 buttons each can be programmed easily to control lighting loads and other functions. 鍵盤多達12個按鈕每一個人都可以被編程容易控制照明負荷和其他功能。As well, the seven function buttons on the front panel of the IPAC-GL1 may also be programmed. ,七大功能按鈕在面板上的IPAC-GL1也可編程。Custom backlit labeling of the front panel buttons is facilitated using an assortment of pre-printed labels or Crestron Engraver software.定制背光標簽的前面板按鈕方便使用各式各樣的預制的標簽或Crestron,雕刻軟件。
Lights can be programmed to turn on and off automatically using the built-in astronomical time clock feature. 燈打開和關閉程序自動使用的內置時鐘的天文特征。Lighting events may be programmed to occur at specific times or at an offset from sunrise or sunset. 照明的事情會發生在特定時間程序或一個位移日出或日落。Occupancy sensors and photosensors may also be implemented to enable automatic on/off lighting control based on room occupancy and ambient light levels.photosensors感應開關,也可以實現自動開關,使房間入住照明控制和基于環境光的水平。